

[한국역학회] 2024 ISEE AWPC 및 ISES AC 공동 컨퍼런스 안내 드립니다.

  • 작성자한국역학회
  • 작성일2023-10-30
  • 조회수4250


한국역학회 사무국입니다.


2024년 6월25~26일에 열리는 2024 ISEE AWPC 및 ISES AC 공동 컨퍼런스 안내 드립니다.

관심있는 분들의 많은 참여 바랍니다.

(ISEE AWPC: 국제 환경 역학 학회, 아시아 서태평양 지부, ISES AC: 국제 노출 과학 학회, 아시아 지부)

Official conference website:  https://iseeawpc-<wbr>isesac2024.com/w/

Official welcome video (the same one on the front page of the website):   https://drive.<wbr>google.com/file/d/<wbr>1JTKurSGsLJ2HOXG8-Jyi8zu8Xj-<wbr>6lfvI/view?usp=share_link
(This is my personal Google Drive address. Anyone with this link can download this video file freely.)

Dear all researchers in South Korea

My name is Jinyoung Moon, and I work at the Department of Occupational and Environmental Medicine at Inha University Hospital. I want to introduce you to the 2024 ISEE AWPC and ISES AC joint conference.
(ISEE AWPC: International Society of Environmental Epidemiology, Asia Western Pacific Chapter, ISES AC: International Society of Exposure Science, Asia Chapter) 

In the next year, 2024, the ISEE-AWPC and ISES-AC hold a joint triennial conference. This conference will be held at Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia, on 25-26 June 2024.   
I want to introduce four strong points based on which you should participate in this conference. 

First, next year's ISEE meeting will be held in Santiago, Chile. It would be great if we could participate in the ISEE conference in person. However, because of the distance between our country and Santiago, it would not be easy to participate in the 2024 ISEE in person (nearly 36 hours of flight). Instead, I will participate in the ISEE conference online and will participate in the 2024 ISEE-AWPC ISES-AC joint conference in person. This can be a good alternative option for next year's con ference participation. 

Second, for many prominent health scientists from China, it would not be easy to participate in the 2023 ISEE conference, which was held in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. Based on the active promotion of Professor John Ji at Tsinghua University (he is also an ISEE AWPC councilor.), we can expect many eminent scientists from China to participate in the conference with their astonishing research results. 
Third, even though the scientific programs are being constructed, the current chair-elect of the ISEE, Professor Nelson Gouveia and Professor Masahiro Hasizume at Tokyo University will present a keynote speech, respectively, each day. Furthermore, an interesting and cutting-edge statistical methodology workshop will be led by an eminent researcher at AWPC. (Professor Yuming Guo at Monash University, Professor Haidong Kan at Fudan University, Professor Hasizume at Tokyo University, or Profe ssor Ho Kim at Seoul National University are potential candidates now.) 

Fourth, Kota Kinabalu is well known for its beautiful scenery. Many tourist attractions await us. Bringing family members with your participation could be an unforgettable trip for both you and them. 

I look forward to seeing you, great scholars, at Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia. The ISEE-AWPC is the third largest chapter in the ISEE and is becoming increasingly important. After the COVID-19 pandemic, each chapter is actively holding its own chapter conference. With many essential nations in Asia and the Western Pacific Region, ISEE AWPC would be a more important chapter in the upcoming future. 

Jinyoung Moon, MD, MSc, MBA, PhD
ISEE-AWPC councilor (01 June 2023 - 31 May 2026)
• E-mail: pollux@snu.ac.kr

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